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GRS grinding wheels
Cast iron grinding wheel, dia. 150mm for GRS grinder
Using the GRS cast iron grinding wheel, you can achieve an extra-fine high-gloss polish, especially with carbide tools. This precision-polished disc made of high-quality cast iron offers advantages for tool grinding not even matched by the latest hightech abrasive materials. Both disc sides are identically machined and thus offer the service life of two discs in one. For tool steel, high-speed steel (HSS), or hardened carbon steel, we recommend the GRS ceramic grinding wheel #002-415. 1 micron diamond spray (#002-754-NF) is recommended.
Diamond wheel 1200, fine, for grinder set GRS
Grain size:
Fits graver grinder 4546088.
Diamond wheel 260, coarse, for grinder set GRS
Grain size:
K 260
Fits graver grinder 4546088.
Variants from €240.99*
Diamond wheel 600, medium, for grinder set GRS
Grain size:
K 600
Fits graver grinder 4546088.
Variants from €240.99*
Diamond wheel K180, extra coarse, for grinder set GRS
Grain size:
K 180
Fits graver grinder 4546088.
Variants from €240.99*
GRS grinding wheel base body 125mm
Dimensions Ø mm:
Fits graver grinder 4546088.
Using this precision grinding wheel blank made of aluminium, special grinding or polishing wheels can be produced, by mounting emery paper, leather, and similar materials.
GRS grinding wheel base body 150mm
Dimensions Ø mm:
Fits graver grinder 4546088.
Using this precision grinding wheel blank made of aluminium, special grinding or polishing wheels can be produced, by mounting emery paper, leather, and similar materials.