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Encaustic is a very special artistic painting technique. Color pigments bound in wax are heated and applied to the respective painting surface. This results in beautiful patterns and play of colors. Just try it out and create unique works of art!
Encaustic beginner set
Technology with tradition - very popular again today!
Encaustic is considered to be one of the oldest painting techniques, and the Greek "Encauston" (for "baking") was already used in Greco-Roman antiquity.
It is an artistic painting technique in which color pigments bound in wax are applied hot to the painting surface. Especially in the 20th century, several artists created important works with encaustic.
With our compiled entry-level set, you will be optimally prepared to enter the world of encaustic, because the complete set in a practical clear box contains all the important items you need to get started.
- Encaustic paint iron
- 8 encaustic wax crayons
- 10 drawing cards each in the formats DIN A7 and DIN A6
- 5 drawing cards in A5
- Manual
- Little painting school
- scraping tool
Encaustic painting iron
Technology with tradition - very popular again today!
Encaustic is considered to be one of the oldest painting techniques, and the Greek "Encauston" (for "baking") was already used in Greco-Roman antiquity.
It is an artistic painting technique in which color pigments bound in wax are applied hot to the painting surface. Especially in the 20th century, several artists created important works with encaustic.
The specially developed Encaustic paint iron is the work tool par excellence in Encaustic. The paint iron is ergonomically shaped and is equally suitable for right-handed and left-handed users thanks to the cable attached in the middle.
The palm rest is round and therefore easy to grip. With a little practice, the paint iron, like a computer mouse, can be guided without the handle. The handle serves as edge protection during transport. But it can also be used as the basis for a mini painting board. The paint iron and handle form a locked unit without the risk of tipping over.
Technical specifications:
- 240 watts,
- 230 V,
- adjustable temperatures approx. 70 ° - 180 ° C.
Encaustic Studio
Technology with tradition - very popular again today!
Encaustic is considered to be one of the oldest painting techniques, and the Greek "Encauston" (for "baking") was already used in Greco-Roman antiquity.
It is an artistic painting technique in which color pigments bound in wax are applied hot to the painting surface. Especially in the 20th century, several artists created important works with encaustic.
With our Encaustic Studio you start optimally into the world of encaustic.
Richly equipped set in a sturdy storage case.
- 16 Encaustic wax crayons
- 32 drawing cards each in DIN A5 and DIN A6
- 8 drawing cards in A4
- Encaustic paint iron
- scraping tool
- Manual
Schellack naturrein 125ml
Der transparente naturreine Schellack wird zum Lackieren von Möbeln, Bilderrahmen und Spielzeug verwendet. Außerdem eignet er sich sehr gut zum Restaurieren von Möbelstücken. Aufgrund seiner natürlichen Zusammensetzung ist Schellack ideal zum Versiegeln von selbst kreierten Enkausticbildern, die dadurch einen wichtigen Abriebschutz erhalten und vor Verschmutzungen geschützt werden.
● Schmutzabweisend
● Schnelltrocknend
● Sehr ergiebig